Tag Archives: Twitter

looks good?


I have long struggled with this sentiment because it’s easy to read and harder to do. I think as someone who is a internet-phile (did I just coin that term?) it’s especially hard to not get down on yourself. 

This giant world is made that much smaller by the posting, tweeting, instagramming, vining, texting, trending that happens. Which is a beautiful thing. It also makes you feel like crap sometimes right?

It’s that much harder to go to your boring 9-5 job and plug away at your desk sucking down crap coffee when you see that your friend of a friend just made the Forbes 30 Under 30 List. 

It makes you depressed that your dinner was beef jerky and leftover potato salad from your work meeting when your friend posts pictures of her organically harvested, slow roasted three course dinner.

There’s an interesting discussion that your presence on the internet and social media is no longer just a record of the goings-on of your life. It has become your brand. And let’s face it but no one is putting up unflattering pictures of themselves or posting about their worst nights. So it’s like comparing your life with someone’s highlight reel and that’s not really fair or productive.

SO, I’ve been busy peeking into other people’s lives and getting down on myself for not hitting every career goal, not making enough money, not Skyping enough with friends, not calling my mom enough, not having the perfect outfit, and effing up yet another hare-brained Pinterest project, BUT I’ve also been enjoying the fresh snowfall, trying out Vietnamese dishes, eating an ungodly amount of hot wings, and chilling in a newly acquired onesie.

But you didn’t see all that. Cause it all happened (mostly) offline and it felt good.

And isn’t that what counts?

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Second Friday!

Hello hello! Happy Second Friday of the week! Because July 4th was in the middle of the week it felt like we had two itty bitty two-day weeks. Monday Friday Saturday. Monday Friday Saturday Sunday. Right? Or was that just me?

I hope everyone had a lovely day off. I slept in for a bit, headed to the park for burgers and frisbee playing, saw Ted (which was funnier than I thought!) and finished it off with some fish tacos. All in all, a good day. I did miss CA and BBQs and pools and fireworks but change is good.

Last Friday, I was headed off to Maine for Julia’s wedding and we stayed at a cottage on the water with this as a backyard…

As we drove across the state line, I noticed that Maine’s state motto is “The way life should be.” Which I thought was a little pretentious and pompous of them. But then I woke up on Saturday and went swimming in the river, ate eggs benedict with blackberry lemonade, stopped by an exhibit about Frances Perkins because the Museum’s Board Member, Morrison, (with full gray beard & Gilligan boat hat) told us to, and then headed for a rustic wedding complete with strawberries, lobster, and blues/folk dancing. The sun was shining and people were friendly. The way life should be. Oh Maine, you’ve weaseled yourself into my heart.

On the road I also spotted some New Hampshire license plates and their motto is “Live Free or Die.” Live.Free.Or.DIE. John McClane would be proud. Yippee-Kay-yay…

Some internet findings that I liked this week:

Hope your weekend is full of sun, sunscreen, and watermelon!

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Filed under Friday Fun